Despite the snow storm, we successfully made it down to CHoP on Friday morning for Owen's hernia & ear tube surgery. I was going to rent a plow if necessary because a mom should really not have to push her son's intestines back into his body 5 times a day! Or what Owen so cutely named "his Bump".
We had an 8:30 arrival time. Unfortunately, the procedure before us went VERY long so we waited in pre-op for nearly 4 hours. Owen was a champ! Honestly, we were grumpier than he was - and starving! Probably would be really bad parenting to eat in front of you child that has been fasting for 16 hours.
(This was around 9am ... before we realized we'd be in that little room all morning!)
They finally gave him the "gigglejuice" (sedative) around noon. This of course is hysterical for the parents. Okay, maybe some parents get all weepy and wigged out watching their child dozing off before surgery. He is just so funny on drugs you can't help but laugh (and take pictures). He was a little confused at first because he thought it was time for his popsicle and instead he got a syringe of medicine and three drops of apple juice. He made sure the nurse was aware of his disappointment. LOOK AT THAT FACE! A new nurse came in a few minutes later to take over. By this time the drugs are kicking in, thus "happy" Owen. Seriously, is that little surgeon hat not so stinkin cute.
Owen is gripping the sides of the bed and swaying back and forth looking quite intoxicated. He leans over the rail and says to the nurse, "Hey, ya wanna hear me hiccup?".
The nurse is clearly amused by this novel pick-up line.
She goes to check his ID bracelet and says, "Now are you Owen?"
To which he quickly responds, "No, call me DASH!". *that would DASH from the movie the Incredibles*
He continues his charade and insists that everyone that comes in the room must refer to him as DASH. I, of course, am ElastiGirl and Scott is Mr. Incredible. The residents, nurses and both surgeons were happy to go along with his drug induced illusion of being a superhero to the point where someone actually wrote it on his chart so that the nurse in the recovery room would call him DASH when he woke up.
He did have a rough time in recovery coming out of the anesthia. A totally normal reaction, but hard nonetheless when it's your child having the inconsolible, combative, irrational screaming fit that lasts for 30 minutes.
Everything went great though and the Bump has been removed (apparently quite a large bump accord. to the Urologist). We are so fortunate to have such an amazing, world renowned hospital in our backyard. It's an incredible place. Even more fortunate that we were there for two rather minor/routine procedures. Many in the parent waiting room were clearly not having the same kind of outcomes. It's a sobering reminder of the blessing of a healthy child.
DASH is back in action. In fact he was running around that night after dinner! hmmm... i don't think the other boy in the house will fair so well after he has his visit to the urologist....
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