
02 October 2008

Capture the Moment

I love this "baby stage". It seems that Owen is doing something new every day... like figuring out how to escape from the sunken family room just a few weeks after learning to crawl! His laugh is intoxicating and I love hearing him try to imitate sounds.

Here are some fun recent moments...

This is Owen auditioning for "The Apprentice - Kids Edition". He is playing the part of Donald Trump - "You're Fired!"

This was also the day that I realized my son REALLY needed a haircut...

Patty to the rescue! He was rather well-behaved for his first "do" and Patty made him look quite handsome.

Okay - every kids needs the "first spaghetti dinner" picture in their scrapbook. I thought I was going to need stain remover for his face!

Now mothers just calm down! Lest you think that I trained my son to watch Oprah... it's not exactly what it looks like. It was actually an episode on amazing dogs. Owen goes CRAZY when he sees dogs so I set him in front of the TV. He was giggling and clapping when he would see them do the tricks. I was attempting to get a picture of him doing it and of course when I clicked the camera is switched back to Oprah talking- thus the picture of Owen glued to her face! I thought if I sent it in I could get free tickets to see the show?!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Both my kids watched that episode of Oprah, too! If you get free tickets, can I go with you???
